Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Peter marches to the beat of a different bagpipe

"My word!"
"The nerve!"
"The gall!"
"The effrontery!"
"The aluminum!"

We all looked at Peter.
"What? What did I say?"
Peter stared at the floor.
We watched Peter closely for the rest of the day.
There were no further incidents.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

“Trump. Explain.”

An old man comes down out of the hills, reads a newspaper for the first time in years, looks around confused.

“Trump. Explain.”

One of the townsfolk takes a stab at it.

“There’s this guy with a double barrel shotgun. He notices a scorpion on his boot, tries to shoot it, blows away half his foot. The scorpion moves over to the other foot. He decides not to shoot his one remaining good foot, instead reverses the shotgun and tries to whack the scorpion with the butt. The shotgun goes off and takes away half his face.”

“So this blind guy hopping around with the pet scorpion is Donald Trump?”

“No, that’s the United States of America in 2019.”

He mulls this for a bit.

“OK, what about this BREXIT?”

“Same thing pretty much but with a British accent.”

The old man looks around, then spits. He buys enough supplies to last a few months and heads back up into the hills.